Thanks to the new guidelines from the Ministry of Health relating to the advertising of OTC medicines and non-prescription medical devices, today it is possible for pharmaceutical companies to advertise on Facebook and Instagram in Italy too.
Of the 31 million monthly Facebook users in Italy, 15 million are interested in health and wellbeing, 20 million buy cosmetics and 6 million men are interested in fitness and body care (Facebook data, for more info see www.facebook.com/business/pharma). The potential of Social Media now represents a real opportunity for pharmaceutical companies to reach their audience in a targeted way. From Instagram Stories to Carosello, many options are available for different marketing objectives, throughout the entire purchasing process: from buying to sales.
To publicise this important change in the scenario, Facebook Italia chose the Armando Testa creative agency which conceived and developed a multi-channel campaign. The core assets were targeted messages for decision makers in pharmaceutical companies, reached through Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn with short multi-subject videos, dedicated to the different types of drugs and medical devices.
Dedicated press pages in specialized magazines and a station domination in the Assago Milanofiori Nord (MI) station, an important location to reach those who plan online sponsorship campaigns for big players every day were used to extend the communication. The multi-subject campaign succeeds in connecting hashtags used by users on social networks to products that might interest them in a simple and iconic way.
Armando Testa Credits:
Chief Digital Officer: Giuseppe Mayer
Digital Chief Creative Officer: Flavio Fabbri
Deputy Creative Directors: Nicola Cellemme, Georgia Ferraro
Creative team: Tommaso Casarini, Stefano Arrigoni, Sebastien Sardet, Fabio Camera
Client Service: Cristina Castelli, Martina Saddemi
Social Media Manager: Ludovica D’Aquino