With tech is woman, Mediaworld and the Armando Testa Group stand up against the gender gap and celebrate women’s passion for technology.

To change the future for many girls we need to change points of view on certain gender prejudices that still influence choices.
Technology is not for women. Girls are not good at STEM subjects. Little girls love to play with dolls, not robots. How many times have we come across common stereotypes like these, as obsolete as the most outdated technology? With the new “Tech is Woman” campaign, MediaWorld, the “Made for Me” brand, has decided to take sides with women in the fight against the gender gap in science and technology, inviting all of us to change our point of view.
The new integrated campaign, conceived and developed by the Armando Testa Group on the occasion of International Women’s Day, aims to make us reflect on the fact that, only by changing our cultural approach, our way of seeing things, can we truly change the way things proceed. And, so at long last, fill the gender gap in this sector.
The creativity is developed around simple but not insignificant intuition: if the iconic M of MediaWorld, is turned upside down it is transformed into the W of Woman. This reversal is physical as well metaphorical: it is necessary to eradicate, overturn and reverse these gender stereotypes to build a more equitable tomorrow for all. This is a way not only to invite action, but also to demonstrate how much of MediaWorld’s DNA has always contained the desire to be a point of reference for all technology enthusiasts, regardless of gender.
The brand has chosen two ambassadors of different ages but with the same point of view to convey this message: Pina, the unmistakable voice of Italian radio and Sofia Viscardi, youtuber, writer and influencer. But these two MediaWorld spokespersons are not the only protagonists of the communication. The campaign is also an opportunity to give voice and visibility to the stories of five role models, five models of women from whom we can draw inspiration. They represent concrete proof of how the world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) is specially made for everyone, beyond any stereotype.
Their names are Chiara Rota, management engineer and founder of the start-up My Cooking Box, Margherita Maiuri, physics engineer, who has won many awards for her studies in the field of ultra-fast laser spectroscopies and Paola Allamano, environmental engineer and co-founder of Waterview, an innovative start-up in the field of weather monitoring using video surveillance cameras. Two younger role models close the circle: Giulia Bassani, with a doctorate in aerospace engineering who dreams of becoming an astronaut and Greta Galli, a nineteen-year-old, enrolled in the faculty of Computer Science, passionate about robotics and a tech influencer on social media. Five different stories but united by a single goal: to dispel the myths that trap women in the most common and banal gender prejudices, demonstrating that when there is passion, every barrier can and must be overcome.
Tech is Woman, however, is not just an information campaign, it is also a training project, dedicated to young women.
MediaWorld, in fact, once again joins Girls Tech – an initiative created by SYX, which promotes awareness of gender equality in the world of innovation and technology – and promotes many training courses for girls aged 7 to 15. 32 totally free online courses, which range from coding, to gaming, from photo and video editing, app development and cyber security to offer more and more women, today and tomorrow, the opportunity to become passionate about this world. To find out more about the project, just go to mediaworld.it/tech-is-woman.
The campaign, consisting of a video hero, five video interviews and related web, social, ATL and BTL materials, starts March 1, while courses for girls will be available throughout the year.
- Agency: Armando Testa Group
- Executive Creative Directors: Nicola Cellemme and Georgia Ferraro
- Creative Team: Chiara Panattoni, Carlotta Gilardi
- Client Director: Emanuele Cicogna Mozzoni
- Team Account: Carola Sessa, Chiara Simone
- Production Company: AT Studios
- Director: Augusto Storero