For the second year of their collaboration together, Wall Street English and Armando Testa are emphasising the important role played by training.
Wall Street English, part of the Pearson Group, world leader in the field of training, starts off 2016 in a big way with a campaign running throughout Italy.
The future has to be seized upon, but the choices made have to be the rights ones, to avoid taking a leap into the void: and that is the message of the new communication.
English at Wall Street English certainly represents the most complete and reliable choice to tackle new challenges and achieve your objectives thanks to a better knowledge of the language.
This promise has already been kept, thanks to an exclusive method, which has been successful for more than 40 years and offers tailor-made courses to suit anyone’s personal needs.
“Wall Street English, a company in the Pearson Group, world leader in the field of publishing and education is a highly stimulating client for their on-going research in how to combine teaching English using a unique recognised method developed more than 40 years ago with new state-of-the-art technologies.
And what’s more, it allows us to keep practicing our English in the Agency!” says Nicola Belli, Armando Testa Group.
The campaign created by Armando Testa (creative direction from Dario Anania and Vincenzo Celli) has been running in national outdoor and on the web since January.