It’s not easy to talk about a bank without talking about numbers.
That was the challenge that Armando Testa faced in telling this story in Mediobanca’s first corporate film.
On the other hand, interpreting figures and describing the values underlying their actions makes it all much easier. The story of this banking group is closely tied to significant events in Italian history.
It starts just after the war, when the needs for reconstruction were vast, and when Italian companies and indeed whole country had the strong will and desire to get back on its feet and look ahead.
The Mediobanca story starts from a war-torn Milan.
«Armando Testa has managed to tell the story right from its beginnings, – says Vincenzo Celli creative director of Armando Testa – from the historical headquarters in the palazzo behind piazza della Scala, through the ’50s when credit became available to realise the dreams of Italian families (Compass), up to current times with the opening of CheBanca! This storytelling starts in the distant past and extends far into the future, to the new international challenges imposed by today’s world, but always closely tied to deeply rooted original values».
«Mediobanca was founded on 10th April 1946. We wanted to describe almost 70 years of history – comments Lorenza Pigozzi director of Communications at Mediobanca – in a logical sequence and with a storytelling style which highlights the most intense moments experienced by our employees, shareholders, investors and the many companies which, thanks to our support, continue to represent a priceless asset for Italy. The storytelling is purposely devoid of data and figures so that it can also show emphasise the emotional records achieved and those still to be attained».
The story was developed by Vincenzo Celli and Cristina Macchi.
To convey all these emotions in this story –as well as the non-conventional format lasting around two minutes – the treatment opted for uses mixed techniques including the magic of the animation from Dadomani Studio.
Original music by Cinematic Orchestra waschosen for the sound track.
The film is online on the mediobanca.it site and on the YouTube channel of Mediobanca. A backstage “making of” was also produced.
Agency: Armando Testa
Creative Direction: Vincenzo Celli – Dario Anania
Art and Copy: Cristina Macchi, Ilaria Accornero – Vincenzo Celli
Production Company: Little Bull Torino
Direction, Animation and Set Design: Dadomani
Director of Photography: Patrizio Sacco’
Music: The Cinematic Orchestra – Arrival of the birds
Music Consultancy: Quiet, Please!
Director of Communications Mediobanca Group: Lorenza Pigozzi