Amaro Montenegro is celebrating its 130th birthday with the launch of a new integrated communication campaign developed by the Armando Testa Group (Armando Testa and Testa Digital Hub).
The historical brand, which has always featured timeless heroes as the stars of its campaigns, has now decided to celebrate this important anniversary by telling stories about everyday men and women involved in voluntary work on the front line using the hashtag #EROIVERI.
The everyday heroes who use their courage and determination to protect and conserve nature, animals and the environment throughout Italy and have warmly welcomed opportunity to take part in the initiative, and take up the challenge by using thirty action cameras to record their daily endeavours, be they big or small.
That’s how the project #130SECONDI DI SAPORE VERO came to life. It is dedicated to stories with genuine taste from ten non profit Italian associations: Centro Tutela e Ricerca Fauna Esotica Monte Adone, Corpo Volontari Antincendi Boschivi del Piemonte, ENPA – Ente Nazionale Protezione Animali, FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano, Federazione Nazionale Giubbe Verdi, Filicudi Wildlife Conservation, Gruppi Archeologici d’Italia, Reparto Volo Emergenze, Unità Soccorso Tecnico and Vega Soccorso.
The new TV campaign, and 30 and 15 second video trailers, will invite viewers to visit the site montenegro130.it, where they can use SHAREFUNDING to support their favourite association.
It is enough to just share the 130” web video, which lists all voluntary associations involved and Amaro Montenegro will donate 130.000 euro divided among the ten associations based on pre-established regulations, created to ensure the most appreciated associations are well rewarded but at the same time to guarantee ample support for the other bodies involved too.
The Armando Testa Group involved a multidisciplinary team to create this completely integrated campaign with strong digital impact. They succeeded in renewing the historical values of the brand in an innovation and original way, using all the main communication media, starting off from the web site www.montenegro130.it, the real hub of the campaign for immersive user experience, including also social networks, with a specially designed editorial plan dedicated to Montenegro’s extensive and active fan base, and also using traditional media like TV, with a flight that will cover most of the national networks thanks to substantial media investment.
Finally the brand’s 130 years will be celebrated with a new claim: “Amaro Montenegro. Da 130 anni, sapore vero”. (Amaro Montenegro. Genuine Taste for 130 years).
Client: Montenegro S.r.l.
Agency: Armando Testa and Testa Digital Hub (Gruppo Armando Testa)
Creative Director: Jacopo MoriniDirector of strategy: Massimiliano Rossi
Art Director: Barbara Ghiotti
Copywriter: Pierfabio Iannuzzi
Digital Art Director: Francesco Mazzone
Project Management: Mirko Di Gregoli / Umberto Martelli / Sara Salamino
Client Service: Antonio Garzena
Creative Technologist: Andrea Bassi
Video editing: Luca Traina
Production Company: MADE S.r.l
Executive producer: Gianni Sias
Director: Giancarlo Spinelli
D.O.P: Angelo Coli
Website development: Med Use S.r.l.
Audio Production Company: Top Digital S.r.l.
Social Agency: Ambito5
PR and Press Office: Maria Licci